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The calculation of citation flow involves multiple factors. Majestic's algorithm analyzes the number of links pointing to a webpage or website and the quality of those links. The algorithm assigns higher importance to links from authoritative and relevant sources, considering them as more influential and valuable. This ensures that the metric reflects not only the quantity of links but also the credibility and trustworthiness of the linking domains. It's important to note that citation flow should not be viewed in isolation. While a high citation flow score suggests a strong link profile, it does not guarantee the overall quality or relevance of the webpage's content. To obtain a more accurate assessment, SEO professionals need to consider other factors, such as the relevance of the linking domains, anchor text diversity, and the overall content quality of the webpage or website.

Table of Contents It is important to acquire that E-Commerce is not like the acclimatized accurate market. It has its own prerequisites and standards that acquire to be maintained with specialized rules that acquire to be followed for alive the online business successfully.. Refrences :